Tuesday, February 11, 2014

W65HS front


Erich said...

I was checking your excellent blog tonight and I tried to find some info on my guitar. I have a Tomson W-35 acoustic that says Kiso Suzuki on the label. It has a signature. Looks pretty much like a Martin. It has gorgeous block inlays on the fretboard and plays like a dream. Haven't found any codes or numbers on it, and I can't get any info about this guitar in the net. I was wondering if I can send you photos of it perhaps you'd be able to tell me more about it?
Have a good Sunday!

Erich said...

I'm trying to contact you via e-mail, but your verizon e-mail doesn't seem to be working. Have you got another e-mail? Kind regards, Erich

tomas said...

sorry Erich, it has changed...suzukiguitars@gmail.com, I just didn't catch the error on that page. Thanks for the heads-up!

Unknown said...

I have this same model of hummingbird and I'm getting it fixed up good as new and I can't wait to listen to it. I've done some background check on my guitar and it was actually used as drug payment in a bar in Melbourne Australia by Linda and Vika Bull while they were playing with Black sorrows.